Increasing Existing Customer Sales

As a Senior Multimedia Solutions Consultant at Clipper Magazine, Jeanne Marcis possesses more than two decades of sales experience. She was a former sales consultant for the Advertiser Network and now handles advertising sales and account acquisition and management. Over the years, Jeanne Marcis has earned numerous awards in recognition of her off-page revenue sales, total sales volume, and sales increase of existing customers.

There are numerous benefits to selling to existing customers: on average, existing customers spend over 50 percent more than new ones and it’s less expensive to retain current customers than acquire new customers. Below are just a few ways to increase existing customer sales:

- Choose the right accounts: not every existing customer benefits from additional products or services. Rather than selling to any account, salespeople should carefully look through all existing accounts and find those with the best opportunity for growth. This includes evaluating customers’ industries as well as their current relationship with the business.

- Have a purpose: calling existing customers is a great way of building a relationship with them. However, customers are busy and may not like having their time wasted on a pointless call. Instead, salespeople should call with the purpose of explaining a new service or product that may benefit their customers.

- Internally strategize: before growing a customer account, salespeople should create a detailed sales plan. This plan must be customized to fit each account’s needs and wants and often requires the involvement of several sales team members. By creating this plan, salespeople have a better idea of what they can do to get customers to purchase more services or products.
